Attend The Ultimate Year Workshop 2024

The Ultimate Year Workshop 2024 at The Juniors Maroubra on 3 Feb. Identify the right 2024 goals, vision, and strategy! Tickets only $40pp. We can also reserve a table for you if you purchase 5-7 tickets (just write a note when you book your tickets.)

This year we also have Nina Gonzalez and her Hip Hop Group who will perform a motivational Hip Hop Dance.

Learn more and Get Your Tickets

You Are Worthy!

“You are created as more than enough, you have more than enough and more
than enough is coming to you in the future.” – Scott Epp

Get a Free 25-45 Minute Session or a 5-15 Minute Intro Call
Get a Free 25-45 Minute Session or a 5-15 Minute Intro Call

Take Back Your Roar!

Be Free and have the confidence to achieve anything!

Download EBook Instantly For Free
You will instantly get Scott Epp’s 20 page eBook ‘Awaken the Wild Lion Within’
as well as a visualisation, training videos and Abundance Coaching tips.

Become your authentic amazing best and live your life
purpose with passion and abundance!” – Scott Epp

About Scott Epp C.P.C.

Hi, my name is Scott Epp. My wife Nicole and I founded Abundance Coaching with the passion of replacing the scarcity and lack that is in people’s lives with hope, love and abundance. I am a Christian and I love Jesus. The presence of God is a catalyst in the peace, clarity, compassion, courage, direction and transformation that is woven through who I am and it pours through wholistically when I connect with my clients.

In a nutshell, I partner with my clients as they gain clarity on where they are and take the right steps towards becoming their authentic amazing best. The coaching approach is unique to everyone and may include situational coaching, breaking through limiting stories, finding their Life Languages™, Epic Life Values, Epic Life Purpose and more. Our connections are very relational, strategic and I encourage and keep my clients accountable so that they get the results they desperately need. We even have a Habit-forming App that we program daily habits in for our clients as we keep them accountable as they break limiting habits and create empowering ones. Abundance Coaching is a Sydney Life Coaching Company that offers Business and Life Coaching in Australia and Worldwide on-line on

10 years ago I became a Certified Professional Coach from The International Coach Academy and since then I have helped people get radical breakthroughs in their life, business, relationships, their abundance mindset, and wellbeing. My 10,000+ hours of one-on-one business / life coaching and mentoring have helped me become an expert in human behaviour, core values, abundance, confidence and peak potential. As an award-winning keynote speaker I have delivered over 100 talks at events and conferences internationally to 1000s of people. I have been coached and mentored by some of the world’s regarded Coaches including Ted McGrath, Andrea Lee, Jeremie Miller, Stefan James Pylarinos and Tim Brownson.

My Epic Life Values Statement is:

‘I Connect with God and follow His wisdom as He leads me to have integrity and impact my family and thousands of people around the world. I am loved, I love myself and I love deeply. I am an epic encourager. I passionately inspire, empower and partner with others on their epic journey of life. I lead my family to live an adventurous, rich and full life!’

Learn More about Scott Epp

We Inspire and Empower You to Become Your Authentic Amazing Best! Check out some of our Business / Life Coaching Success Stories!


Find out who you are and how you communicate

“Communication is the key ingredient to an enriching and fulfilling life” – Scott and Nicole Epp

Scott and Nicole Epp are your Australia Senior Life Languages™ Trainers and Coaches and they want to help you breakthrough by:

  • Really understanding who you are
  • Deepening your relationships
  • Communicating comfortably
  • Removing family friction
  • Strengthening your weaknesses
  • Rising above your distress 

Please Help us Free Children at Risk!

Abundance Coaching is a proud ambassador of Homes of Hope International. Abundance Coaches Scott Epp and Greg Beech have a passion to give back to those in need. Greg is the founder of this life changing Australian based organisation. Through generous people and our charity fundraiser events we are blessed to share that we have over 1.5 million donated and over 150 orphans, widows and victims of human trafficking supported in our 10 international projects.

Partner with us and help impoverished orphaned children who are without hope, by providing them with a home, food, education, and all they need to break the cycle of poverty.

Learn More Or Sponsor a Child

Client Success Stories

Read And Watch More Client Success Stories

This Is Your Time! Let’s Do This Together!

Partner With Us!

Breakthrough Corporate Training and Speaking

Do you have a team? Are you looking for a retreat or keynote talk for your next event?

We have had 85,000+ people in attendance at our talks, training and events.

Our offers include Leadership Training, Life Languages™ Communication Training and Motivational / Keynote Speaking.

We are based in Sydney and will travel anywhere in Australia and Globally!

Breakthrough Corporate Training
Keynote Speaking / Experiences

Life Coaching in Sydney, Everywhere in Australia and the World! 

Do you know there is something more for you in life or business? Are you tired of not having enough and not living your dreams? If you live in Sydney Australia we can meet you at our Maroubra Eastern Suburbs Studio or Narabeen Northern Beaches Studio. We may have availabilities to meet our clients in the Sydney CBD, Bondi, Bondi Junction, Bondi Beach, Randwick, Coogee, Coogee Beach, Maroubra Beach, Matraville, Alexandria, Kingsford, Mascot, Darling Harbour or Circular Quay.  If you live anywhere in Australia or the world for that matter then Click Here to book your Free 5-15 Introductory Call or 45 Minute Life Purpose Plan Session on our online coaching link. Your Life Coach / Business Coaches – Scott Epp and Greg Beech each have over 10,000 hours of Professional One-on-one coaching.  You will be empowered to take back your life and live your dreams!

Hire a Sydney Life Coach

Australia is considered the world’s happiest nation, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. And it’s no surprise – it’s easy to see how the weather, the people, and the economy can boost people’s spirits. But many people find themselves struggling without purpose…

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Hire a Sydney Business Coach

Small business owners often find that without immediate success they lose passion. Sydney can be a crazy place to live. Working professionals often find that they’re struggling to see the success that they want in life, and that their struggles are turning them off towards their goals…

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Hire a Sydney Life Coach

Sydney Life Coach and Business Coach- Scott EppAustralia is considered the world’s happiest nation, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. And it’s no surprise – it’s easy to see how the weather, the people, and the economy can boost people’s spirits. There are so many amazing things in the city around us.

But many people find themselves struggling without purpose. They find themselves hoping and wishing for more in life. They find themselves stuck, unable to reach their life goals and feeling discontent with the world around them. If you’re one of those people, consider contacting me today.

Your Leading Sydney Life Coach

My role as a life coach in Sydney is to make sure that you’re able to get unstuck in life. I work with clients at all stages in life – men, women, CEOs and the unemployed, to help them start achieving their goals and becoming the amazing and happy people they deserve to be.

As a life coach, it’s my goal to assess every component of your life and use my training and expertise to coach you in the right direction. As Coaches Greg Beech and myself help people breakthrough in the most important areas of their life.

Work with best life coach in Sydney and the Eastern Suburbs!

Every session we’ll work together to make sure that you’re always working towards your goals, uncovering your values, finding yourself, and improving your self-esteem. We’ll create an individualized session for you – one that will have you seeing a real difference in your positivity and your happiness, as well as your ability to reach your goals.

You have your choice in life coaches in Sydney, Bondi, Maroubra, The Eastern Suburbs and the surrounding areas, but I promise you that together we can get you unstuck in life, uncover your drives, and motivate you to achieve not only your goals – but also complete abundance.

Contact Me Today to Get Started on Your Life Path – I will build a plan and path for your life purpose success – just click:

Sydney is home to so many different riches. It has a mix of amazing people, passion about arts and sciences, thousands of new things to do – we’re blessed to live in such an amazing place with everlasting potential.

But if you feel stuck in your life path and you’re feeling as though you’re unable to break free and reach that level of true fulfillment, then perhaps what you need is a life coach that knows how to help you with your problems – one that can motivate you on a path to being incredible.

My name is Scott and I am a total life transformation coach and that means that I help you get unstuck from your biggest challenges so that you can live your life purpose with passion and abundance! This starts with a heart transformation because out of the heart our behaviours and character act out. Where ever you are in your life purpose journey I’d love to connect with you and find out if we’re a good fit to coach together. Whether we do any coaching afterwards I will give you great value by helping you get clear on what matters the most to you and I will work with you to build your life purpose plan. As a Sydney Life Coach I meet people in Sydney CBD, Bondi, Bondi Junction, Maroubra, Randwick, Cogee and most of the Sydney Area. I can also meet with you at my home studio in Maroubra or we can do Life Coaching on the Phone or on Skype. Call me at 0481 307 7778, email me at [email protected] or simply book your 45 minute Free Life Purpose Plan Session with me by clicking:

Hire a Sydney Business Coach
Small business owners often find that without immediate success they lose passion.Working professionals often find that they’re struggling to see the success that they want in life, and that their struggles are turning them off towards their goals:

  • Executives often find that they are struggling with their goals and visions.
  • Working professionals unable to move up in their company.

It’s not a stretch to say that most workers from entry level to executive are struggling to reach their goals. A Sydney business coach can get you there, focusing on your specific and unique personality to keep you at the peak of your motivation, as well as provide you with guidance and a second opinion for your most important decisions.

Scott Epp Sydney Business Coaching

An excellent coach is in your corner

Succeeding in the professional world is about motivation, drive, and ambition. It’s about clearly knowing exactly where you want to go and who you want to be. It’s about waking up every day, taking a deep breath, loving life, and getting ready for your fulfilling job.

As a Sydney business coach, I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the leading executives in Canada, and now Sydney, Australia. I’ve helped people start businesses, achieve revenue growth, and move up within their company.

My business coaching is about helping you tap into your inner superhero, and unlock yourself from what’s holding you back. I help you get in touch with your values, keep you accountable, and make sure that you’re able to manage that work/home balance that is best for contentment.

A Sydney Business Coach You Can Trust

What if you could change the way you feel every day? What if you could achieve the incredible things that are deep inside you, and help gain hold of your life and your motivations so that you can reach greatness? What if you could become everything you ever wanted to be?

Business coaching in Sydney is something that can help everyone, from the incredibly successful to the stuck and unmotivated. But it’s up to you to get started, and up to you to be motivated enough to make the call and take action.

If you’re in or around Bondi or Sydney, or simply looking for someone to talk to, make sure you call me today. Your first session is always free, and let’s get to know each other and discuss the options that work best for you.

Call me at 0481 307 778 or feel free to schedule a free one-on-one with Greg Beech or myself by Clicking Here to schedule your Free Consultation or coaching session.

Start Your Epic Journey of Life Today!

Get a Free 25-45 Minute Session or a 5-15 Minute Intro Call