About Scott Epp C.P.C.

Home/About Scott Epp C.P.C.

Scott is the founder of Abundance Coaching and the Creator of your Abundance Life Wheel Game. Scott works with people who know there is something more for them in life but they’re not reaching it. His clients come to him because they struggle with confidence, motivation, direction. on and purpose. Scott coaches people on their relationships, business and life with excellence on the phone, Skype or one-on-one.

Scott’s Humble Start

Well, would you be surprised about his humble start in life? He grew up on a farm in Laird Saskatchewan as the oldest of eight just 45 minutes away from Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada. As a farm kid Scott and older brother Scott learnt the value of hard work and determination. In the 1980s and early 1990s Scott’s parents went through ups and down with the farm and even lost the farm 2 times due to various economic and weather factors. Scott’s family values grew in the hard times and are integrated in him now with his own family. Today Scott and Nicole along with their 3 boys, Josiah, Nehemiah and Malachi live in Sydney Australia in a suburb called Maroubra. This is Where he operates a powerful life coaching practice helping both individuals & business owners reach the summits of their goals.

Scott’s Education and Coach Training

Greg has navigated his way through tough times, major life changes and challenges. He has experienced love, heartbreak and tragedy, transformation and hope. “Life often presents us with lessons and opportunities we didn’t expect, and pain is often an invitation to growth and change”. From personal experience Greg knows that hard times, when we may feel stuck or perhaps even shattered, can be incredible opportunities for growth. Greg applies the lessons he learned during tough times to help and inspire people to find the breakthroughs they need. With this background Greg bring compassion, understanding and a nonjudgmental spirit to his coaching. Greg is a living testament to his belief in the possibility that through the ups and downs of life it is possible to transform and live a life of great joy and fulfilment.

Greg Beech and Homes of Hope International

With a vision to live a high impact life, Greg commenced Homes of Hope International in 2004, and continues to be the founder /chairman of HOHI. This organization truly “gives back” and is transforming the lives of women and children at risk, orphans, and the victims of human trafficking. The projects supported by HOHI all have a transformational intent, so that each person can discover and live to their potential.

Greg and His Professional Coaching Journey

What gives Scott any reason though to show you the way to your passions, to help you with your transition into living a life far from the mundane and full of abundance? His educational background is in-depth. From being a Certified Professional Coach (C.P.C.) awarded to him by the International Coach Academy, to being part of Briercrest Bible College. Scott has also attended and been rewarded with certificates from Horizon College, and the Catch the Fire Leader School. Scott is a Certified Professional CoachGlobal Priority Values and Principles Certified Trainer and a Heart life facilitator. Scott has one on one Life Coaching and business clients locally in Sydney Australia. He also does international coaching over the internet or phone. All of these make him more prepared to help you transition into a life lived with purpose & abundance.

If you want to Breakthrough your Biggest Challenges and more fully live your life purpose then schedule a Free 45 minute Life Purpose Plan Session with Greg. In this Session Greg will help you get clarity with where you are at in your life. Then he will help you breakthrough your biggest challenges and in the end you will have co created a Life Purpose Plan and Path to get to your most important goals and dreams. CLICK HERE to schedule your Free 45 minute Life Purpose Plan Session with Greg now.


Scott’s Keynote Speech at the Toastmasters International District Level Convention

Scott has competed at the highest level in International Toastmasters and was a finalist in in the prestigious Humorous Speaking Contest. As an advanced communicator Scott has delivered over hundred impromptu and prepared speeches within Toastmasters. He is experienced at Emceeing and giving special talks at various events. He has also taken his speaking and training skills to businesses around the world. As a <ahref="https://coachemy.com/speaking">Corporate Trainer, Workshop Leader and breakthrough expert Scott helps transform businesses starting with their people. Whether you want to lead a retreat, get training or hire a keynote speaker Scott is skilled and experienced to help you and your team.

Scott’s Personal Passions

Scott is passionate about sports including soft ball, hockey, surfing, hiking, snowmobiling and tennis. Scott coached a competitive slow pitch team in Canada in the leading them to 4 championships within 10 years. Along with all of this, he was a top sales representative in the Information Technology sector, Scott managed sales teams and accounts for some of the largest companies in the nation. With his skills and understanding of business mechanics, Scott was able to start his own successful real estate and property holding company. He remains the president of this venture and is currently celebrating its 10-year anniversary.

Scott’s Passion to Be Live a Life of High Impact!

With all of these experiences, Scott has decided to give back to the world; to help others push through whatever obstacles are blocking them from reaching their full potential and to truly allow them to live a life of abundance like himself. This is the inspiration that made Scott start Abundance Coaching.

Scott gives people the exact tools they need to not only live happier, but to find their purposes in life as well as the core values that will allow them to catapult to the tops of their industries, find fulfillment, contentment and more. Scott is also a certified trainer with Global Priority where he works with businesses and individuals training them on universal principles and values that will enable them to start living healthier, more purposeful and successful lives.

Scott is passionate about life and he believes whole heatedly in the cliché “Dance like Nobody’s watching!” He loves people and has an extraordinary belief that people can and do change if they have reasons to hope, they are willing and they have good people to champion them to higher levels. Scott is realistic and optimistic, ambitious, kind and motivating. Scott Epp’s Essential Core Values In Life are: Family, Spirituality, Financial Independence, Integrity, Wisdom, Leadership and Encouragement.

So now you know more about Scott, send him and e-mail and let him know who you are or take him up on his no obligation Life Purpose Plan Session. In only one session Scott believes that you will find hope as you start to break down the walls that have kept you stuck.